Chào các bạn đến với Blog

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2012


Thay đổi thông tin hệ thống
-Tạo một ảnh có format là BMP với kích thước chính xác 115 pixels (Height) x 182 pixels (Width). Save hình ảnh này với tên oemlogo.bmp vào thư mục C:\Windows\System32.
- Dùng trình soạn thảo text (NotePad...) để tạo file Oeminfo.ini với nội dung:

Manufacturer= CHANHTINH0905
Model= Quantrimang
[Support Information]

Line3=Phone:0166 90005 09
Line4= KTV tin hoc
Line5= .......

Windows + R -> go vao regedit -> Enter

Hiển thị tên,số điện thoại trong  system properties

KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows NT ->CurrentVersion.

      +RegisteredOwner ->ten minh
      +RegisteredOganization ->ten cty so dien thoai 
(them 2FILE oemlogo.bmp+oeminfo.ini =>system32)

Hiển thị tên mình dưới thanh task đồng hồ
      KEY_CURRENT_USER\control panel\international
       +s1159 tinh
       +s2359 tinh
Chống treo máy khi khởi động
-  Start – Run \ msconfig \ OK.
- Chọn thẻ Services.
- Bỏ check “Background Intelligent Transfer” \ OK và restart máy
convert C: /fs:ntfs  

Attrib -s -h /s /d
Attrib -s -h -a -r Autorun.inf
Del Autorun.inf

Tìm sori tên máy
wmic bios get serialnumber
wmic csproduct get name

appwiz.cpl              add/remove go bo cac chong trinh co trong he th
access.cpl               cua so thiet lap accessibility (XP)

cacl                       máy tính
cleanmgr                Disk Cleanup quet don o dia
control                  Control Panel
control printers      Printers and Faxes
control folders       Mo Folder Options
control_mouse  chinh sua chuot
control keyboard              chinhsua ban phim
control netconnections                  diue chinh cac ket noi
control desktop chinh thuoc tinh desktop
control admintools          quan tri he thong
chkdsk                  sua tap tin hong
charmap                              kí tu dat biet

dxdiag                   xem thông tin máy tính,dung luong card do hoa
dfrg.msc                              sap xep lai du lieu
diskpart                                ql cac phan vung he thong
defrag                   chong phân manh
desk.cpl                                chinh giao dien
diskmgmt.msc   quan li dia cung
devmgmt.msc   quan li thiet bi Device Manager

wirte                      mo wordPad
winword                              mo word
wmplayer                            chay media
winver                  xem phien ban hdh
wuaucpl.cpl        tu dong update

telnet                    chay telet
taskmgr                                mo taskmanager
timedate.cpl       dieu chinh thoi gian

sndvol32                             âm luong
spider                    mo xep bài
sndrec32                             mo ghi âm
syskey                   cong cu bao mat he thong
sysdm.cpl                            thuoc tinh he thong
secpol.msc                          Local Security Settings(cho dat pass ....
sigverif                  File Signature Verification Tool

excel                       Microsoft Excel
msaccess                              Microsoft Access
powerpnt                            Microsoft Powerpoint
.                               mo add min
..                             document
...                            mycomputer
\                              mo o  C
%HomeDrive%  mo o dia he thong
%systemroot%  mo thu muc windows
%UserProfile%  mo Profile
%temp%                              mo thu muc chua file tam

fsquirt                   Bluetooth Transfer Wizard ( khoi d0ng Bluetooth)
firewall.cpl          quan li tuong lua
freecell                  choi game free cell card
fonts                      quan li font
frontpg                                 Microsoft Frontpage

regedit                  chinh registry
gpedit.msc              group policy
rstrui                      System Restore

nusrmgr.cpl        quan li acout
netsetup.cpl       cai dat 1 ket noi internet
notepad                                Notepad
ntbackup                             Backup or Restore Wizard

mmsys.cpl                           chinh Sound, mic, speaker
mshearts                             choi game hearts card
mstsc                    dieu khien may tinh tu xa
msinfo32                             xem thông tin máy tính
msconfig                              tat chuong trinh chay an trong windows
mspaint                                Microsoft Paint
msmsgs                                Windows Messenger
mmc                      Microsoft Management Console

powercfg.cpl      quan li nguon

hdwwiz.cpl         cai dat phan cung

lusrmgr.msc        Local Users and Groups

osk                         bàn phím ao

inetcpl.cpl                            quan li ket noi internet va IE
intl.cpl                   chinh ngon ngu mui gior

ipconfig /all                         xem IP
ipconfig /release               xoa IP
ipconfig /renew                 xin IP moi

ipconfig /displaydns        Display DNS Cache Contents
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns       Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS

ipconfig /showclassid                     Display DHCP Class ID
ipconfig /setclassid                          Modifies DHCP Class ID

jpicpl32.cpl         ava Control Panel
javaws                  Java Control Panel

can he tthtong
sfc /scannow

driverquery -v
driverquery -si

repair-bde c: d: -rk e:\recovery.bek
repair-bde c: d: -rp 111111-111111-111111-111111-111111-111111

tasklist -m
tasklist -svc

taskkill -pid 4104
taskkill -im iexplore.exe

AD Domains and Trusts                                  domain.msc
Active Directory Management             admgmt.msc
AD Sites and Serrvices                                    dssite.msc
AD Users and Computers                                              dsa.msc

Computer Management                                compmgmt.msc

Device Manager                                devmgmt.msc
DHCP Managment                           dhcpmgmt.msc
Disk Defragmenter           dfrg.msc
Disk Manager                     diskmgmt.msc
DNS Managment              dnsmgmt.msc

Services Management   services.msc
Shared Folders                  fsmgmt.msc

ADSI Edit                                              adsiedit.msc     (thiet lap matkhau )
Authorization manager azman.msc
Certification Authority Management certsrv.msc
Certificate Templates certtmpl.msc
Cluster Administrator cluadmin.exe
Component Services comexp.msc
Configure Your Server cys.exe
Distributed File System dfsgui.msc

Event Viewer eventvwr.msc
Indexing Service Management ciadv.msc
IP Address Managerment ipaddrmgmt.msc
Licensing Manager llsmgr.exe
Local Certificates Management certmgr.msc
Local Group Policy Editor gpedit.msc
Local Security Settings Manager secpol.msc
Local Users and Groups Manager lusrmgr.msc

Network Load balancing nlbmgr.exe

Performance Montior perfmon.msc
PKI Viewer pkiview.msc
Public Key Managment pkmgmt.msc
QoS Control Management acssnap.msc
Remote Desktops tsmmc.msc
Remote Storage Administration rsadmin.msc
Removable Storage ntmsmgr.msc
Removalbe Storage Operator Requests ntmsoprq.msc
Routing and Remote Access Manager rrasmgmt.msc
Resultant Set of Policy rsop.msc
Schema management schmmgmt.msc
SID Security Migration sidwalk.msc
Telephony Management tapimgmt.msc
Terminal Server Configuration tscc.msc
Terminal Server Licensing licmgr.exe
Terminal Server Manager tsadmin.exe
UDDI Services Managment uddi.msc
Windows Mangement Instumentation wmimgmt.msc
WINS Server manager winsmgmt.msc

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